In multi-residential buildings such as apartments and condominiums, there are unavoidable operating costs. It might not always be possible for tenants to adhere to a mindful approach when it comes to energy usage, however, there is a way to lower your total operating costs: cogeneration.
The total utilities, including electricity, chilled water, steam and natural gas can comprise as much as 50% of a condominiums common element costs. An effective mCHP strategy can reduce those electrical costs immediately and the free heat produced by the generator is used to provide heat for hot water and/or space heating.
Greenhouses are a competitive industry. Therefore, you need to ensure you are at the forefront of energy management. Reduce your carbon footprint and reduce your electricity bills by choosing the reliable option for your electricity and heating needs: micro Combined Heat and Power. A properly designed mCHP system will reduce your energy costs while providing reliable service, keeping your crops safe and increasing your profits. dbs Power and Energy is a one stop shop, from design to implementation, and service. We don’t sub contract; therefore we know exactly how to design and install your system and how to maintain it. With smart controls we are constantly monitoring your system to ensure optimal performance.
The Smart Energy System (SES) is designed and built to meet the unique challenges and requirements of a horticultural facility. By utilizing abundant, cost-effective, and highly-reliable natural gas to generate electricity and thermal energy through a cogeneration plant on-site, SES is capable of generating up to 100% of the site’s electricity and heating needs. To balance thermal energy requirements, which are highly weather-sensitive, a geothermal field may be created on-site, thus eliminating wasted thermal energy during low thermal-demand periods. Additional cooling and heating requirements are driven through heat pump technology.
Smart controls are deployed across the site, monitoring all aspects of energy generation and consumption, such as interval demand, temperature requirements, and relative humidity needs. The controls form the brain of the system, increasing or decreasing generation to match on-site requirements at 15-second intervals.
SES monitors the entire on-site generation and distribution, including the reliability of the grid (incumbent utility). SES can be built to replace the grid, but is also capable of working in tandem with the grid, such that any interruption to electrical supply from the grid is mitigated by SES. Reliability and up-time concerns are entirely addressed by SES.
A typical SES application in Ontario has a three-year ROI and an IRR range of 18% to 25%. Financing options, such as a Power Purchase Agreement, are available based on credit. Sizes tend to range from 600 kW to 10 MW.